Looking for a random fact to share at lunch?

Hey all, Ernie here from Tedium: The Dull Side of the Internet. For years, I fought tooth and nail against the rise of the Substack machine out of weird principled reasons, only to find myself steamrolled by it and willing to submit to its charms.

Which is where you come in. I’m selling out my principles, but only with one small detail three times a week. I would do more, but they don’t offer any of the features of my own website, so I’m sharing less than 300 words per issue in protest. As a concession, I will consider increasing it to 400 if they begin to support centering.

Seriously though, I’ve done years of research on literally hundreds of obscure and unusual topics, so much that even small details could be turned into miniaturized issues. These are the perfect bites for readers who insist that reading a massive newsletter is too much work. Sound interesting? Subscribe and follow our updates.

Lesser Tedium is 1000% free until I figure out how to do custom CSS in Substack; then I will charge $1,000 per issue.

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To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Lesser Tedium

Tedium, but less. A quick-hit newsletter that will feature highlights from throughout Tedium’s eight-year history. Will publish 3x a week, in case you want some weird facts in your inbox.


Editor of Tedium (https://tedium.co) and a writing obsessive who loves a good historical dive.